Secure Virtual Site Inspections with Sytemap: An alternative for Physical Site Inspections

Physical site inspections are an essential activity in the real estate industry, but they can be challenging in insecure environments. In Nigeria, rising insecurity has made traditional physical inspections difficult, creating a need for a more secure and efficient solution. Sytemap, a digital inspection platform, offers a better option for property inspections – virtual site inspections and land monitoring.
The Importance of Property Inspections
Property inspections are crucial for intending landowners, existing landowners, and also estate developers for several reasons, including:
Aiding Informed Acquisition of Investments: Site Inspections allow prospective investors to gather firsthand insights into the property’s availability, condition, potential challenges, and overall suitability, facilitating well-informed and strategic decision-making.
Duty of care: Estate developers have a legal duty of care to ensure their properties are safe for investors. Regular inspections help fulfill this obligation by identifying potential hazards and addressing them promptly
Challenges in Traditional Inspection Methods
Traditional property inspections can be inefficient and prone to errors, particularly in insecure environments. Some of the challenges include:
Time-consuming: Conducting inspections physically can be time-consuming, requiring multiple visits and extensive documentation.
Insecurity: The rising state of insecurity in the country has made it more challenging for regular site visits and physical inspections of estate projects within the nation. This poses a challenge and may affect how people invest in the real estate sector in the coming days.
Subjectivity: The interpretation of inspection results can be subjective, leading to discrepancies in reporting and potential misunderstandings between estate developers and potential investors.
Lack of standardization: Different inspection methods and checklists can make it difficult to compare properties and identify trends
Sytemap: A Secure and Efficient Solution
Sytemap is a satellite map-based land monitoring system that addresses these challenges by providing a secure and efficient way to conduct property inspections – virtual site inspections. Key features of Sytemap include:
Satellite map: Use Satellite Map to give potential buyers access to estate projects, integrated into the estate developer’s website. Prospective buyers and investors can view your projects virtually, verify location, see the available and sold plots in real-time, and reserve and pay for a plot from the comfort of their homes from anywhere in the world.
Payment: Property selection and payment occur effortlessly, facilitated by a QR-based certificate of allocation issued promptly upon payment confirmation. This streamlined process significantly reduces the total sales cycle to a maximum of 20 minutes, in stark contrast to the conventional sales cycle, which typically spans 2-5 months or even longer. The system provides the convenience of real-time tracking of payments and plot details, eliminates back-and-forth processes in payment settlement and reconciliations, mitigates the risk of over-subscription by utilizing unique bank accounts for each plot, and offers seamless automation of client payment plans and reminders.
CRM: The SYtemap CRM seamlessly enables users to effortlessly view sales transactions and plot allocations, generate leads from pending payments, track clients based on subscribed projects, manage teams with specific roles, facilitate easy client management, securely store and upload paper documents to the cloud, and efficiently generate QR-code Certificates of Allocation for buyers.
If you’d like to learn about more of Sytemap features, Sign up for a Demo here.
Virtual Site Inspections with Sytemap
In insecure environments, virtual site inspections can be a safer and more efficient option than traditional physical site inspections. Sytemap offers a platform for virtual site inspections, allowing inspectors to conduct inspections remotely while still ensuring compliance with legal obligations. Virtual site inspections can help mitigate the risks associated with the traditional physical site inspections in insecure environments, such as insecurity and time consumption.
In conclusion, Sytemap offers a secure and efficient solution for property inspections, including virtual site inspections, addressing the challenges of traditional methods and ensuring compliance with legal obligations. By adopting Sytemap, potential investors and estate developers can conduct inspections with confidence, knowing that their properties are safe and well-maintained, even in insecure environments.